Twin City was listed on the Georgia Register of Historic places in 2012, and then placed on the National Register in 2014. That same year, the city applied for and was accepted into the Main Street Program at the Our Town level. This is a significant accomplishment for a community the size of Twin City! National Main Street has since reorganized, and Twin City is now a Main Street Affiliate, entitled to the benefits of assistance, training, design work, and grants as the city continues working toward being a fully recognized Main Street community.
The Main Street Program requires a non-profit to work in tandem with Main Street so in 2014 Historic Twin City, GA, Inc., a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, was officially chartered. Working within the guidelines of the Georgia Main Street Program, the non-profit’s purpose is to revitalize the community through historic preservation, tourism, and economic development. Visit the Historic Twin City Georgia on Facebook to find out more about HTCGA, Inc.
The Main Street Program Manager is a part-time city employee. The Program Manager coordinates the work of Main Street with the non-profit whose members do much of the leg work for festivals and events.
The Main Street office is housed in the Oglesby Memorial Welcome Center. The Welcome Center is used as a meeting place for various organizations, and is available to be rented for community use. Business hours are Monday though Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. 478-763-2696 or recreation@twincityga.com.
About Georgia Main Street
The Georgia Main Street Program began in 1980 as one of the original pilot state coordinating programs of the National Main Street Initiative launched by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The program launched with five local communities and has grown to serve 100+ communities statewide. Georgia Main Streets represent some of the strongest central business districts in the state and in the Southeast. Since it started, the designated community programs have been instrumental in leading the state in historic preservation, small business development, expansion of the state’s employment base, leveraging private investment, increasing tourism and providing a positive road map for public-private partnerships. Housed in the Office of Downtown Development at the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Main Street is a signature program for community development and revitalization in Georgia’s historic downtowns.
Georgia Main Street